With Semi-Therm 31 just a week away I thought it would be a good time to expand on the (metaphorical)…
Semi-Therm, the world’s largest dedicated electronics thermal conference, will take place between March 15-19 at the Doubletree Hotel in San…
It’s National Engineer’s Week in the US this week. A similar event takes place in the UK in March. I’ve…
A full 3D thermal simulation of an electronic system requires, not surprisingly, a 3D geometric representation of the proposed design….
Horror vacui, Natura abhorret vacuum, Resintenza del vacuo; from Aristotle to Galileo, it has long been known that here on…
Sure, most modern homes have much more advanced water heating systems than a big tank with an electric heater element….
Human technical prowess relies heavily on the conversion of energy from one form to another, to meet our needs. Physiological…
A lot of engineering involves the management of energies, converting them from one form to another, channeling off useful work…
There are 475,000 Google search hits for ‘thermal bottleneck’. It’s a well recognised phrase playing on a very obvious analogy….