Service Engineering: Improve Outcomes with Service Events

Learn more about using Service Events in Teamcenter to capture physical structure configuration data and changes, to improve your service engineering outcomes.  Efficiently tracking service engineering…

Empower Service Technicians with the Right Information

Catch the Service Lifecycle Management Virtual Seminar: Empowering Service Technicians with the Right Information to learn more about techniques and…

Service technician looking at computer

Save Time and Money with Accurate Maintenance Forecasting

Effective and accurate maintenance forecasting leads to improved asset service, ultimately saving you time and money. Read on to learn…

Explore Teamcenter Service Lifecycle Management

Sign up for your free 30-day software trial and see how you can improve the serviceability and traceability of your…

Speak at Realize LIVE 2022

Las Vegas (May 9 – May 12) | Berlin (May 31 – June 2) —–We are excited for the opportunity…

Integration Strategies for Service Engineering

Increase revenue potential and reduce risk with integrated strategies for Service Engineering. Disconnects in Service Engineering Strategies In today’s connected…

Profitable Product Service

Do you have a clear understanding of your product service requirements? Ready to move your service initiatives to the next…

What is Modern Service Lifecycle Management

Service Lifecycle Management is a strategic approach to service planning and delivery that helps maximize product uptime for the user and service revenue for the manufacturer.

Manufacturing image shows man servicing an asset.

Asset Maintenance with Teamcenter and Maximo

The Teamcenter Service Lifecycle Management – Maximo integration enables efficient asset maintenance throughout an asset’s service life, bridging together the Service BOM and Execution – effectively closing the service loop. With execution data flowing in Teamcenter from Maximo the product design can be enhanced based on operational information improving quality and profitability.