
Understanding Siemens NX’s New Sketch Solver

By Spencer Acain

Companies look for every advantage over their competitors that can help them bring new products to the market faster and at a lower cost. One of the ways to increase the speed to market is by improving the design speed. That is why Siemens NX has developed a new Sketch Solver that makes design work easier, more accurate, and faster.

I’m your host, Spencer Acain, and today I’m joined by Scott Felber, Product Marketing Manager Siemens NX Design. And, Mike Yoder, who works with the Product Management group focused on the NX design tools. They’ll help us understand the new Sketch Solver and the impact it is having on the market.

In this episode, you’ll learn about how Siemens NX’s new Sketch Solver works and how it compares to the traditional Solver. You’ll also learn about the new features that have been introduced and how they impact design speed and accuracy. Additionally, you’ll learn about how the market is reacting to this new product.

What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How the new Sketch Solver works (01:52)
  • Why the NX team decided to update the Sketch Solver (04:07)
  • The difference between the new Sketch Solver and traditional sketchers (07:11)
  • Questions that customers are asking about the new Sketch Solver (12:38)
  • How the new Sketch Solver helps you attain 30% savings in time (20:05)
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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at https://blogs.sw.siemens.com/podcasts/ai-spectrum/understanding-siemens-nxs-new-sketch-solver/