Increased throughput: A $7M opportunity for manufacturers

An increasing number of companies see digital transformation (DX) initiatives as a way to improve manufacturing throughput. It’s important for…

Getting Real: Shop Floor Connectivity

Welcome to the final post in our blog series on the Digital Machine Shop! My name is Corsin Buerer. I…

Making Sure We Got It Right: CMM Inspection Programming for the Quadcopter Mold

We’re nearing the completion of our tour through the Digital Machine Shop. My name is John Zhang, and I am…

What is driving Digital Transformation today?

Multiple factors are driving today’s manufacturers to pursue different digital transformation (DX) initiatives. The current state of the U.S. economy…

What’s New in NX for Manufacturing (June 2021)

The new, advanced capabilities in the latest NX release enable higher automation at each step of the manufacturing process, improving…

Mold Design: The Quadcopter Launch Begins

Welcome back to the Quadcopter blog series, where we’re using the injection molded cover of a quadcopter to illustrate the…

The launch of the quadcopter.

The Digital Machine Shop: Making an Idea Go Airborne

Welcome to a new weekly blog series designed to show you how the concept of a Digital Machine Shop plays…

Inspect mold quality - automating CMM inspection programming

The Quadcopter Story with the Digital Machine Shop

What does it take to manufacture a quadcopter? How does the Digital Machine Shop transform the manufacturing process? Find the…

The Perfect Gingerbread Man

What does it take to make a perfect gingerbread man? For one, it requires a lot of skills. If you…