Efficient package delivery is not just for FedEx!

By John Ferguson
Cost, risk, and the limitations of monolithic scaling are driving growth in multi-die (heterogeneous) advanced IC packaging solutions (Whew! That’s a mouthful!). You might also know it by its other name, high-density advanced packaging (HDAP). At Siemens, we’ve spent a fair amount of time researching, working on, and talking about the challenges and opportunities in HDAP design. One thing we’ve learned is that successful HDAP design requires design teams to work together to optimize the entire system, not just the individual elements. Taking the time to create a true dynamic heterogeneous prototyping and planning capability can accelerate the design process, prevent implementation mistakes, and enable system-level optimization and trade-offs.
If you’re looking for guidance on ways to organize and optimize your HDAP design processes, I recommend you download our technical paper, Surviving the Three Phases of High Density Advanced Packaging Design. It contains recommendations for implementing a process to help you manage multiple-substrate designs in a single environment, while streamlining communication and collaboration across organizational structures.