Thought Leadership

UVM Register Package 2.0 Available for Download

UVM_Logo Mentor supplies the first Register Package for UVM

As I mentioned in my earlier blog post to disclose Mentor’s support of UVM-EA on the Questa Verification Platform, we would bring forward other OVM elements and make them UVM ready.  We have done this for the OVM register package.

For those who are looking at the UVM-EA and want to avail themselves of additional UVM-ready value added elements, you can download the UVM Register Package 2.0 and use it today.

Users noted that the HTML documentation for the OVM version was missing.  This been corrected and complete online documentation is now at your fingertips.  You can use the navigation bar at the left to expand categories and click on the topic of choice.  The body of the documentation is also hyperlinked for convenient navigation to related topics and more detailed descriptions of the particular class method or variable.

For completeness, the updated OVM Register Package 2.0 that has corrected HTML documentation can be found here.

Dennis Brophy
Director of Ecosystems

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at