Spools of colored wires across tables in a factory.

Secure your wire harness designs with the digital twin

Wire harnesses are the unseen heroes of the Aerospace & Defense (A&D) industry. They snake and coil through the recesses…

A digitally generated aircraft engine

Applying generative design to aerospace

Generative design is a burgeoning concept in the field of engineering that carries exciting potential. The idea of having an…

Make me a drone

Make me a drone: introduction

Making tomorrow’s products: a thought experiment. The thought experiment has served the world well for thousands of years, from Plato…

Accelerate product development and drive innovation

The latest automotive revolution is underway. As electrification, advanced driver-assistance systems and full automation take off carmakers are scrambling to…

Flow-based design for additive manufacturing

Realize Live has always been a way for our customers to speak with each other about how they are solving…

eBook: Develop safe Autonomous Vehicles that protect human lives

eBook: Develop safe Autonomous Vehicles that protect human lives

Download the eBook that outlines the trends and challenges that the automotive industry is facing today to develop autonomous vehicles

With autonomous technology on the rise, how can automakers face the transformation?

There is a clear trend in the market for driverless automotive systems: the direction is upwards. Autonomous vehicles’ (AVs) sales…

Fueling the power and determination of the aerospace and defense community

As we adapt and learn how to deal with this global pandemic, please know that the Siemens Aerospace and Defense…

CIMdata eBook

eBook: Generative design tools provide a transforming strategy for industrial machinery industry

An evolution is occurring in the industrial machinery industry. Today’s modern machines are more than a mechanical piece of equipment…