Day 2: AI in the lab @ the MIT Technology Review EmTech Digital Conference

A wrap up of Day 2 at the EmTech Digital Conference, hosted by the MIT Technology Review. On Day 2…

Day 1: The business of AI @ the MIT Technology Review EmTech Digital Conference

On March 23rd – 25th I attended the EmTech Digital Conference, hosted by the MIT Technology Review. In this blog,…

Episode 2: Understanding training vs inferencing and AI in industry – the transcript

Previously, I summarized Episode 2: Understanding training vs inferencing and AI in industry, where our experts Ellie Burns and Mike…

Episode 2: Understanding training vs inferencing and AI in industry

In Episode 2 of our AI podcast series (Episode 1 overview here), Ellie Burns and Mike Fingeroff got together to…

With autonomous technology on the rise, how can automakers face the transformation?

There is a clear trend in the market for driverless automotive systems: the direction is upwards. Autonomous vehicles’ (AVs) sales…

AI-driven factories of the future: the transcript

Previously, I summarized a podcast about AI-driven factories of the future, where our expert Dr. Stefan Jockusch discussed his future-forward…

Is AI going to the dogs?

I have noticed an uptick in articles about the pandemic inspiring people to offer their loving homes to adopted pets….

Exploring AI and machine learning: the transcript

Previously, I summarized Episode 1: Exploring AI and machine learning, where our experts Ellie Burns and Mike Fingeroff discussed why…

AI-driven factories of the future

A couple of years ago, I toured the Ford Rouge Complex in Michigan, where the F-150 trucks are assembled. From…