Siemens is on the pulse of groundbreaking innovations. In step with that objective, the Thought Leadership Team at Siemens Digital Industry Software provides podcasts, blogs, articles and white papers based on the knowledge of engineers and experts in their field. We discuss what Siemens is doing in many industries while forecasting the landscape of innovative technologies.

Our team focuses on emerging technologies in the next two to five years that Siemens is investing in and for which we are developing solutions.

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Agile aerospace development with MBSE

The aerospace industry is no stranger to rapid change, commercial flight emerged only decades after powered flight was made possible…

Day 3: AI in our daily lives @ the MIT Technology Review EmTech Digital Conference

A wrap up of Day 3 at the EmTech Digital Conference, hosted by the MIT Technology Review. On Day 3…

Addressing Data Scarcity In Your AI Journey

Addressing Data Scarcity In Your AI Journey

We know that Machine Learning (ML) and especially Deep Learning (DL) require BIG data to work well. While companies like Amazon and Google have…

Day 2: AI in the lab @ the MIT Technology Review EmTech Digital Conference

A wrap up of Day 2 at the EmTech Digital Conference, hosted by the MIT Technology Review. On Day 2…

Day 1: The business of AI @ the MIT Technology Review EmTech Digital Conference

On March 23rd – 25th I attended the EmTech Digital Conference, hosted by the MIT Technology Review. In this blog,…

Component repair with additive manufacturing

Repair, after a product or facility is created, it is one of the greatest costs of operation after labor. It…

eBook: Develop safe Autonomous Vehicles that protect human lives

eBook: Develop safe Autonomous Vehicles that protect human lives

Download the eBook that outlines the trends and challenges that the automotive industry is facing today to develop autonomous vehicles

Vehicle electrification is driving new requirements in the automotive industry. Digitalization and digital transformation help electric vehicle engineering.

Future Car podcast – An introduction to the transportation revolution with Nand Kochhar

The automotive and transportation industry is in the middle of its largest transformation in decades. External pressures, such as changing…

Lean, mean and clean – the electrical system in today’s eVTOL

We are seeing electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) vehicles of all shapes, sizes and configurations. Companies from around the…