Siemens is on the pulse of groundbreaking innovations. In step with that objective, the Thought Leadership Team at Siemens Digital Industry Software provides podcasts, blogs, articles and white papers based on the knowledge of engineers and experts in their field. We discuss what Siemens is doing in many industries while forecasting the landscape of innovative technologies.

Our team focuses on emerging technologies in the next two to five years that Siemens is investing in and for which we are developing solutions.

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industrial machinery

Industrial Machinery – a writer’s year in review for 2023 – pt. 1.

In revisiting some of the more notable industrial machinery blogs and articles of 2023, I begin with a hot topic…

A passenger plane flying over clouds as the sun rises.

2023 in review – Inside the digital transformation of aerospace

My first full year in the Thought Leadership team as its writer on aerospace and defense (A&D) has been a…

An exciting year of artificial intelligence

It is no exaggeration to say that artificial intelligence is one of the fastest developing fields in the world and,…

Looking back on 2023 – A writer’s perspective pt. 2

Leveling up from the more specific discussion from part 1 about the near-term challenges facing automotive and transportation companies, we…

A map to the dynamics of electrifying cars

For our third episode of The Battery Podcast from Siemens Digital Industries, Puneet Sinha and Myself sat down to talk…

cybersecurity industrial automation

Cybersecurity protects and manages industrial automation for clinical trials manufacturing

Cybersecurity thwarts cyber-attacks and unauthorized access by collecting methods, technologies, and processes to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of…

A time-lapsed photo of cargo being offloaded from an airplane.

Talking Aerospace Today – AI in Aerospace Part Three – Summary

The Talking Aerospace Today podcast has recently wrapped up its exploration of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML), a critical…

Applying AI in industry – Part 4

In previous parts of this series (parts 1, 2 and 3), we’ve examined the benefits of adopting AI into industry….

The urgency of digital transformation in the trucking industry 

From emerging sustainability regulations to rapidly changing supply chains and driver shortages, the last few years have placed significant pressure…