Thought Leadership

Accelerate innovation to unleash next generation designs

By Paul van Straten
Accelerate innovation to unleash the next generation of vehicles.
Accelerate innovation to unleash the next generation of vehicles.

We have entered an era of unprecedented change in the automotive industry.

Technology megatrends are gathering pace, driving to accelerate innovation. Advanced driver-assistance systems (ADASs), autonomous and electric vehicles are steering the industry in a new direction, creating new market opportunities. But the software, chips and electronics at the heart of these systems have exponentially increased the complexity and the cost of vehicle development.

As cars become computers on wheels, tech giants and start-ups have successfully disrupted the industry, making competition fierce and squeezing profit margins and development cycles.

Not only that, as consumers and governments around the world become more concerned about the climate crisis, carmakers find themselves jumping through more hoops than ever to develop more sustainable vehicles that meet stricter regulatory and homologation requirements.

With so many companies racing to develop the next generation of vehicles and respond to changing customer preferences, innovation will be the key differentiator that defines who gets ahead and who gets left behind.

Do you have the tools you need to keep up in today’s industry?

Digitalization enables you to improve data management and optimize development processes. It will give you the boost you need to innovate and accelerate product development, meaning you can keep the showroom fresh with frequent model introductions that meet these new demands.

At Siemens we want to you to have the latest information at your fingertips so you can make informed decisions about the future of your business. For that reason, we have produced a new infographic that details the trends impacting the industry as well as the solutions you can adopt to mitigate the challenges you are facing.

Siemens Accelerated Product Development (APD) is designed to help you better develop the next generation of vehicles and to embrace revolutionary technologies, such as AI and the IoT. APD offers increased speed to market and the ability to get designs right first time with a digital twin of the vehicle. An integrated digital thread improves the flow of information throughout the product development ecosystem, data is synchronized and up to date, improving not only cross-domain collaboration but also traceability and auditability.

To learn more about how Siemens Accelerated Product Development can help you stay ahead of the competition.

Download the infographic here.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at