Cloud-based manufacturing simulation software now more accessible than ever before

Process Simulate Collaborate, cloud-based 3D simulation application, is now available on AWS Marketplace.
As digitalization remains top of mind, manufacturers understand the importance of embracing Industry 4.0 technologies so teams can work more efficiently. Whether leveraging IoT, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, augmented reality or digital twin technology, the connected capabilities of a digital factory present a number of opportunities to enhance flexibility and operational performance.
When considering strategic approaches to boost productivity and connectivity, manufacturers recognize the power of moving to the cloud. Some of the benefits realized by both small and large organizations are improved collaboration, rapid on-boarding, better use of employee time and the shift from capital expenses to operating expenses. With cloud-based access, manufacturers know they can innovate faster, reduce costs, and foster collaboration in a secure environment.
That is why Siemens was eager to announce its partnership expansion with AWS to facilitate cloud-based digital transformation back in 2021. It was evident even a few years ago that moving to the cloud would help transform manufacturers’ operations as the industry entered a highly anticipated era of digitalization.
In fact, the number of applications moving to the public cloud is growing at an astounding rate. According to The Public Cloud Market Outlook, 2022 To 2026, Forrester Research reports that the cloud computing market is projected to achieve skyrocketing growth over 220% in just five years.
The cloud computing market is projected to grow from $446.4 billion in 2022 to $1.03 trillion by 2026.”
The Public Cloud Market Outlook, 2022 To 2026, Forrester Research
Cloud computing advancements for the manufacturing simulation industry
Even back in 2018, AWS reported that industrial applications, such as mechanical computer-aided engineering and collaborative product data management, are moving or considering moving to the public cloud. Manufacturing process simulation software, like Process Simulate Collaborate, is an emerging industrial application that is now available to test or purchase via the cloud on AWS Marketplace. You can read more about the latest advancements of Siemens partnership with AWS for industrial operations in our most recent blog.

Reimagined collaboration for Process Simulate-authored studies
Process Simulate Collaborate is designed to meet the scalability needs of manufacturing companies. By hosting the application to the cloud, users can access the solution from a web browser anywhere in the world for a quick and cost-effective deployment.

Discover how Process Simulate Collaborate complements Process Simulate by extending the digital twin of your production lines directly from Process Simulate software, making the study easily accessible to users without the need for a software installation. With its latest availability on the AWS Marketplace, it is now even easier for users to access and realize the immediate benefits of cloud computing.