Man in blue denim shirt sitting at desk working on a model in Solid Edge 3D CAD software and holding a notepad

Solid Edge holiday savings: How to find the best Solid Edge deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Looking for professional product development software at a cost that fits your budget? Learn how you can get the best of both worlds with a new Solid Edge® 3D CAD subscription this year on Cyber Monday and Black Friday.

Flexible product development software licensing for SMBs

Solid Edge Value-Based Licensing helps small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) manage the challenges of a rapidly changing product development environment. This flexible licensing option provides businesses with the ability to manage cost, discover new product development software applications, and more effectively scale your business.

Introducing Solid Edge Value-Based Licensing

Solid Edge Value-Based Licensing enables users to buy cost-effective tokens that can be used to access powerful Solid Edge add-on solutions.

Man at computer in a suit working within Solid Edge CAM Pro

How to get 30% off Solid Edge Manufacturing

Learn how to save big on purchases of Solid Edge CAM Pro and Solid Edge 2D Nesting solutions for a wide range of manufacturing processes.

New in Solid Edge 2023: Manufacturing

New in Solid Edge 2023: Manufacturing

Transform your manufacturing process and maximize your design data with powerful, automated CAD/CAM capabilities in Solid Edge 2023.

New in Solid Edge 2023: Model-Based Definition Enhancements

Model-Based Definition (MBD) in Solid Edge 2023 gives you the tools to detail 3D models faster and easier than ever before.

New in Solid Edge 2023: Interoperability Enhancements

New in Solid Edge 2023: Interoperability Enhancements

New interoperability enhancements in Solid Edge 2023 unlock the power of your design data while future proofing your work.

Solid Edge SaaS Hero Image, with waves of blue light and businessman using on smartphone as concept

New in Solid Edge 2023: Solid Edge SaaS

Accelerate design engineering collaboration and access software and services based on your needs with a flexible Solid Edge SaaS subscription.

Woman working on a laptop using cloud solutions, overlayed with digital superimposition particle effect

Accelerate design engineering project collaboration with CAD and the cloud

Learn how cloud-enabled 3D CAD software can improve collaboration and speed up product development.