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Recovering Deleted Polarion Data (Part 2 of 2)

Recovering Deleted Polarion Data (Part 2 of 2)

By Lutz Dornbusch

It can happen to anyone. But it’s not necessarily your worst nightmare…

… if a Polarion Work Item or LiveDoc document gets deleted by mistake. Chances are it can be recove…

Polarion expands support of Test Automation with Polarion QA and xUnit Integration

Polarion expands support of Test Automation with Polarion QA and xUnit Integration

We are pleased to announce that we are launching a new page dedicated to Test Automation, which highlights how Polarion supports Test Automation and benefits such as full traceability, support f…

Polarion at Keep Austin Agile 2012 conference

Polarion at Keep Austin Agile 2012 conference

Polarion exhibited at Keep Austin Agile 2012 in Austin, Texas.  Around 400 people attended, with many attendees interested in Agile solutions.  Polarion ALM and Agile solutions were well re…

Recovering Deleted Polarion Data (Part 1 of 2)

Recovering Deleted Polarion Data (Part 1 of 2)

By Lutz Dornbusch

It can happen to anyone. But it’s not necessarily your worst nightmare…

… if a Polarion Work Item or LiveDoc document gets deleted by mistake. Chances are it can be recove…

Game Testing White Paper— Addressing Real World QA Challenges

Game Testing White Paper— Addressing Real World QA Challenges

Ever been so engrossed while playing a game but then had it freeze during a crucial moment? The glitch can cause you to lose, force you to reset the game without saving, erase your saved data, and th…

Another success for Polarion Software! What went down at STARWEST 2012

Another success for Polarion Software! What went down at STARWEST 2012

Polarion exhibited at StarWest 2012 in Orange County, CA. It was a successful event with many attendees interested in Test Management. Polarion QA was well received, attracting attendees with its e…

Recap of STARWEST 2012: a Polarion Newbie’s perspective

Recap of STARWEST 2012: a Polarion Newbie’s perspective

Perhaps you are new to the software testing scene like me.  Or maybe you are a software testing veteran.  Regardless, StarWest 2012 is an event to remember.

The magical location

Located …

The Results are In! POP Challenge 2012 Winner Revealed

The Results are In! POP Challenge 2012 Winner Revealed

This summer, we have worked diligently to expand our interactions with the Polarion Community.  The POP challenge contest was open to anyone interested in submitting a software app or extension …

10 Tips for Polarion LiveDocs – #10 Split Work Items Across Multiple Documents

10 Tips for Polarion LiveDocs – #10 Split Work Items Across Multiple Documents

by Carola Hartlieb, Polarion Professional Services

This is the final post in our series of tips for users of Polarion LiveDoc™ documents. I hope you have gained some useful information from it.
