
Addressing Safety and Privacy in Autonomous Vehicles | Future Car Podcast

Imagine stepping into a car that has no driver and sharing it with people you don’t know. How would you feel about that? Would you trust the car to take you to your destination safely and securely? Or would you have doubts about the reliability and privacy of the vehicle? These are some of the questions that passengers and autonomous drive manufacturers need to think about as they prepare for the future of mobility.

In this episode of Future Car Expert, Ed Bernardon looks back on his conversations with two experts in the field of autonomous driving, Felix Andlauer and Mark Rosekind. They both work on developing and improving autonomous technology and they shared their insights into the current state and future vision of this industry. They also discussed how they are tackling the challenges of ensuring safety and privacy in these vehicles and how they hope to persuade potential customers to embrace autonomous riding.

Felix Andlauer, VP Mobility Solutions at NEVS

Today, we will start with the thoughts from Felix around the entire landscape of autonomous vehicles. From thinking about how cars are currently designed to how they might be designed in the future for ridesharing purposes to retain privacy and comfortability of traveling in this manner.

We think that we need to have purpose-built vehicles. So the autonomous vehicles you see driving around mostly, the standard passenger cars with an add-on retrofitted AD sensor set, those vehicles were built with a customer in mind who knows everyone in that car. They are not built to be shared amongst strangers; people are not comfortable with that. Whereas if you really make custom-built autonomous vehicles, where you focus on providing privacy to every individual passenger, then you can actually create an interior in a vehicle that makes people comfortable sharing.

Felix Andlauer on the current state of AV design

Mark Rosekind – Chief Safety Innovation Officer Zoox

Our next guest has a long background in AV safety. His conversation with Ed walks down the path of needing to think more proactively versus reactively to safety within the vehicle.

So, let’s just start with “auto” and “reactive” for most of 100 years; and that is, crashes are going to happen. After the fact, how do we figure out to make things safer? So, that unfortunately means we’re just acknowledging that crashes are going to happen. How do we help more people survive them? “Proactive” is when we’re thinking: how do we do safety efforts ahead of time that prevent those collisions, injuries, or fatalities from happening in the first place?

Mark Rosekind on how car manufacturers have been reactive in their safety approaches

Felix Andlauer, VP Mobility Solutions at NEVS

Felix Andlauer, VP Mobility Solutions at NEVS

Felix Andlauer studied mechanical engineering in Munich and Gothenburg. From 2007 he worked with renewable energy in a variety of positions combining technical, business development and leadership tasks. In 2018 he joined NEVS as project manager for the newly started mobility ecosystem development project PONS. Since May 2021 he has been VP Mobility Solutions at NEVS.

Mark Rosekind – Chief Safety Innovation Officer Zoox

Mark Rosekind – Chief Safety Innovation Officer Zoox

Ben is the founder of Fering Technologies. He has devoted his career to whole-vehicle design, predominantly in motorsports and supercar design and is the brains behind the Fering Pioneer. He previously worked for Ferrari and McLaren, and was involved in the development of the Caparo T1 project. He has a Bachelor of Science from City, University of London.

Ed Bernardon, Vice President Strategic Automotive Initiatives – Host

Ed Bernardon, Vice President Strategic Automotive Initiatives – Host

Ed is currently VP Strategic Automotive Initiatives at Siemens Digital Industries Software. Responsibilities include strategic planning and business development in areas of design of autonomous/connected vehicles, lightweight automotive structures and interiors. He is also responsible for Future Car thought leadership which includes hosting the Future Car Podcast and development of cross divisional projects. Previously he was a founding member of VISTAGY that developed light-weight structure and automotive interior design software acquired by Siemens in 2011, he previously directed the Automation and Design Technology Group at MIT Draper Laboratory.  Ed holds an M.S. in mechanical engineering from MIT, B.S. in mechanical engineering from Purdue, and MBA from Butler.

On the Move: A Siemens Automotive Podcast Podcast

On the Move: A Siemens Automotive Podcast

The automotive and transportation industries are in the middle of a transformation in how vehicles are designed, made, and sold. Driven by an influx of new technologies, consumer demands, environmental pressures, and a changing workforce in factories and offices, automotive companies are pushing to reinvent fundamental aspects of their businesses. This includes developing more advanced and capable vehicles, identifying new revenue sources, improving customer experiences, and changing the ways in which features and functionality are built into vehicles.

Welcome to On the Move, a podcast from Siemens Digital Industries Software that will dive into the acceleration of mobility innovation amid unprecedented change in the automotive and transportation industries. Join hosts Nand Kochhar, VP of Automotive and Transportation, and Conor Peick, Automotive and Transportation Writer, as they dive into the shifting automotive landscape with expert guests from Siemens and around the industry. Tune in to learn about modern automotive design and engineering challenges, how software and electronics have grown in use and importance, and where the industries might be heading in the future.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at https://blogs.sw.siemens.com/podcasts/on-the-move/av-safety-privacy-future-car-podcast/