
Robotic automation in packaging and distribution plants: KineoWorks

By JonR

KineoWorks is core software technology driving fast, collision-free motion for industrial robotics applications from Siemens and many other manufacturing solution providers.

Building on real-world, practical applications, our Toulouse-based team’s passion for research and development is pushing the frontiers in software-based Reactive Motion Planning (RMP) – as illustrated in this simulation of a packing/distribution plant.

Here, KineoWorks has been integrated with ROS2 (open source Robot Operating System) and Gazebo (open source robotics simulator) to perform dynamic collision-avoidance between an articulated robot arm and its environment during pick-and-place operations.

Check out these articles to learn more more about the latest robotics applications that Siemens Kineo technology supports:

Multi-robot programming

Advanced dress-pack simulation

Further information:

Kineo website

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