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Become a conference speaker at Realize Live 2022 for NX CAM.

Your chance to speak at Realize LIVE 2022

Realize LIVE is back for another year, and we’re excited for the opportunity to meet with you again personally or…

We’re giving away 22 copies of The CNC Handbook!

Congratulations to our 22 winners, and thank you to everyone who participated in our CNC Handbook giveaway! To learn more…

NX CAM trial

Start your free NX CAM cloud trial in just minutes

Try NX CAM software for free

No installation required; simply sign-up and use NX CAM in your internet browser.


Program any job, from 2.5-axis milling to…

Grob CNC Machine Tool Adaptive Machining.

Closed-loop Adaptive Machining using NX CAM

A recent article by Modern Machine Shop takes a closer look into how digital manufacturing can help companies create higher…

Multi-axis deburring in NX CAM with real world examples

NX CAM’s Multi Axis Deburring

In the latest release of NX CAM (June 2021), a new operation subtype, Multi Axis Deburring, was introduced to help…

Siemens and NX CAM at this year’s Top Shops Expo

On October 12-14, Modern Machine Shop will be hosting their annual Top Shops Expo! Live in Cincinnati, Ohio, this 3-day…

Webinar: High-dynamic turning for accelerated part manufacturing

Join industry experts on Oct 12 for our high-dynamic turning webinar to learn about the latest CNC programming and machining…

Increased throughput: A $7M opportunity for manufacturers

An increasing number of companies see digital transformation (DX) initiatives as a way to improve manufacturing throughput. It’s important for…

Perfecting Machining at Rolls-Royce Defense with NX CAM

Machining companies in today’s industry are constantly searching for new, innovative ways to reduce machining time and improve tool life….