
Closed-loop Adaptive Machining using NX CAM

By Shannon Kruse

A recent article by Modern Machine Shop takes a closer look into how digital manufacturing can help companies create higher quality parts faster with closed-loop adaptive machining processes. The article focuses on SIXDIGMA, a Cincinnati based company that specializes in advanced integration of CAD/CAM and CNC systems to help solve complex machining problems.

SIXDIGMA founder shows the adaptive machining process.
SIXDIGMA founder, Edwin Gasparraj, shows the machining process using NX CAM.

The company uses Siemens’ technology, including Sinumerik controllers and NX CAM software, to provide machining solutions that utilize the digital manufacturing capabilities.

The adaptive machining process using NX CAM
The closed-loop adaptive machining process in the NX CAM software.

The founder of SIXDIGMA, Edwin Gasparraj, gives a video demonstration on how they combined three digital technologies to machine a complex airfoil. You will learn how:

  • Advanced toolpath technologies in NX CAM significantly improve surface finish.
  • Complex 5-axis probing accurately locates the part without special fixturing.
  • Closed-loop adaptive machining validates workpiece surfaces and automatically modifies individual toolpaths to machine to very high tolerances.

You will also learn the process behind manufacturing a complex airfoil, with NX CAM at the forefront of the process. The software provides comprehensive and advanced NC programming capabilities that are necessary to generate complex toolpaths to machine excellent surface finish on tight tolerance parts.

Grob CNC Machine Tool Adaptive Machining.
SIXDIGMA’s CNC machine tool using adaptive machining to create complex toolpaths and machine excellent surface finish on tight tolerance parts .

Read A Digital Approach to Machining Better Parts today and watch the accompanying 12 minute demonstration by SIXDIGMA to learn how digital manufacturing powered by NX CAM allows you to standardize processes, shorten lead time, and improve part quality.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at