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Who says green doesn’t sell?

Who says green doesn’t sell?

At this point, I think almost no one, but its clear that Apple certainly does not. Of all the new speeds and feeds that Steve Jobs went through today (Genius looks really interesting, albeit perhaps…

Releasing Solid Edge ST

Releasing Solid Edge ST

Hopefully you have heard the news that Solid Edge ST has been released. If not, you can read about it here. If you talk to me or some of my friends on the inside, you will probably hear this …

Synchronous Technology Hits Northern Europe

Synchronous Technology Hits Northern Europe

I am traveling in Denmark and Sweden this week, speaking with existing users and prospects about Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology. Everyone is back from holiday and eager to start a new chapter…

Elvis Has Left the Building

Elvis Has Left the Building

Someone here started calling Solid Edge ST “Elvis”. I got an email last week that “Elvis has left the building”, referring to the release of our new product to manufacturing. Solid Edge ST do…

Practical Social Media for Engineers and Designers

Practical Social Media for Engineers and Designers

According to Wikipedia, “Social media is an umbrella term that defines the various activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and the construction of words, pictures, videos and audio….

Boeing takes off

Boeing takes off

There’s big goings on today at the largest aerospace corporation in the world. Boeing has decided to expand their implementation of Teamcenter to both new and selected legacy programs. Aerospace pr…

Engineering in Second Life

Engineering in Second Life

  In my last blog, I gave an introduction to virtual worlds. If you are interested in Virtual Worlds for engineering, I thought I’d share some information on an upcoming event and some …

Virtual World Primer for CAD people

Virtual World Primer for CAD people

  Virtual Worlds are a growing segment on the Internet. It has been an area of interest and hobby of mine for few years so it’s fun to watch as it starts to cross over to the mainstream…

Live Rules Advanced

Live Rules Advanced

In my last blog, I gave an introduction to Live Rules. Today, I’ll move onto advanced Live Rules but before doing so, I wanted to point out that Ingenea created a very nice youtube video on Live Rule…