This blog is a place to learn about electronic systems design, from PCB design to simulation and verification, to manufacturability and manufacturing execution.

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Fundamentals of SI (Part 3) – Impedance

Fundamentals of SI (Part 3) – Impedance

We’re finally on to the next logical step in our study of signal integrity – impedance.  So what is impedance…

Fundamentals of SI (Part 2) – Transmission lines

Fundamentals of SI (Part 2) – Transmission lines

Break out your calculators boys and girls because it’s math time (well….maybe you won’t need them after you get to…

Going from rules of thumb to simulation

Going from rules of thumb to simulation

Recently, a company out of South Africa, Peralex, wrote an article on their PCB design practices for military and other…

Fundamentals of SI (Part 1) – Critical nets

Fundamentals of SI (Part 1) – Critical nets

To begin this series on fundamentals of signal integrity, lets start at the very beginning.  Before you start doing any…

Fundamentals of Signal Integrity

Fundamentals of Signal Integrity

Whether the creative juices weren’t flowing or I just didn’t make the time,   I’ve been on a bit of a…

User Groups – Get Involved!

User Groups – Get Involved!

For those of us involved in the EDA industry, we’re all familiar with user group meetings. It’s a time to…

Do you want to be a professional?

Do you want to be a professional?

Over the last few days, I’ve been in some interesting discussions, the crux of which revolved around “why would anybody…

The kindred spirit of an Olympian

The kindred spirit of an Olympian

I’ve been on a bit of a blogging hiatus, but hopefully I’m returning to a more regularly scheduled program.  Consider…

A great start to DesignCon

A great start to DesignCon

If you’re here at DesignCon, you already know this, but it’s been a great start to the tremendously high-tech week….