
A great start to DesignCon

By smckinne

If you’re here at DesignCon, you already know this, but it’s been a great start to the tremendously high-tech week. Yesterday, there were some interesting tutorial sessions which I pointed out in my previous blog. And today, there were some great presentations of papers that were written for the conference (making it the best high speed technical conference of the year in my opinion).  I attended a session entitled “Frequency Dependent Material Properties, so what?” delivered by Eric Bogatin which was practical for designers giving insight into some things they should consider in their modeling of transmission line behavior loss and dispersion mechanisms.

Also, big news forDesignVision Award Mentor and the HyperLynx product line, we won the DesignVision award for best new product in System modeling and Simulation tool category. This is truly an honor to win this award from the IEC (International Engineering Consortium) especially among some stiff competition in this space. I was glad to see Steve Kaufer, one of the original founders of HyperLynx, be available to accept this award (he and his team have put their heart and soul and lives into this product).

Tomorrow should be full of great technical knowledge as well.  I’m looking forward to some technical sessions, more folks stopping by to talk shop and to learn about the HyperLynx products, and of course happy hour when every can take a breath and relax.  We are also hosting a Technical Panel on statistical analysis techniques in high speed serial channel design at 3:45 PST that should be quite interesting.  We’ve got representatives from the modeling/simulation industry and the measurement world to offer a wide view of this design technique, so if you’re around, I think this would be worth your time.  Hope to see you there!

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