Cullimore Racing Uses Solid Edge to Prepare for Greenpower Finals on October 10th

Siemens PLM Software recently announced a sponsorship with Cullimore Racing to support the Greenpower Challenge, its aims and objectives, and demonstrate the value of using our industry leading …

Educators GEAR UP for Greenpower

High School and Middle School Utah teachers from around the state ramped up for Greenpower at a recent workshop. The Greenpower Electric Car Challenge is a STEM project-based program that leverages t…

Meet Students and Faculty at 2015 PACE Annual Forum

Meet Students and Faculty at 2015 PACE Annual Forum

To Francisco Fraga from ITESM – Estado de Mexico, PACE Annual Forum was one of the best experiences of his life.
“I personally think that every day in the conference, I did learn something new.”

About 100 Students and Faculty Attend Training at PACE Annual Forum

One benefit of attending the PACE Annual Forum is not only to share the yearlong work with peers and the industry representatives, but also to receive a professional training. Roughly 100 students an…

Danny Sicking Awes the PACE Audience with the New NX Technology

One exciting part about the PACE Annual Forum is learning about cool new technology. The students and faculty enjoyed listening to one of the keynote speakers Danny Sicking, Software Engineering Deve…

122nd Annual Conference & Exposition of the American Society for Engineering Education

The future depends on the engineers of tomorrow. They are the ones who will create solutions for the problems we may not even know exist yet. It is our duty to prepare them with the skills and motiva…

Awesome new Greenpower video from Silesian University of Technology in Poland

Awesome new Greenpower video from Silesian University of Technology in Poland

The Silesian University of Technology (Politechnika Śląska) in Glwice Poland have been a very succssful contender in the Greenpower finals over the last few years. Winning numerous awards a…

Fostering the Pipeline of Engineering Talent through EcoCAR 3

In the growing need for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) workforce, industries are in search for a stronger pipeline of technical talent. As university students jump into the j…

New Curriculum Material added to Siemens Academic Resource Center & Other News

As part of its commitment to support skilled learning, Siemens PLM Software has added two new learning tools to its Academic Resource Center, an NX9.0 for Engineering Design textbook, and t…