Medical device, self-injection solutions, SHL-Medical manufacturing simulation analysis and optimization

+25 to 35% intralogistics improvement: Eye-opening simulation and analysis of manual vs. automated intralogistics and ASRS integration through Plant Simulation

SHL Medical’s conference lecture offered insights into their manufacturing simulation analysis and optimization strategies in the medical device industry. They emphasized the transformative impact of automation on production efficiency, inventory control, and process integration. Using Tecnomatix Plant Simulation, SHL Medical showcased their commitment to enhancing operational performance and driving innovation in self-injection solutions. Their presentation highlighted the importance of data-driven decision-making and strategic automation integration to streamline manufacturing processes efficiently.

Advanced approach to the creation of a logistics simulation model

The lecture explores the transformative potential of logistics simulation modeling using an intelligent logistic library, highlighting its ability to optimize AGV logistics through dynamic simulation techniques.

Smart Factory: Unlocking operational excellence: Integrating Plant Simulation in the era of smart factories

Adrián García, from Alhona, will present a lecture on integrating Plant Simulation into the era of smart factories to achieve operational excellence. Despite the onset of the fifth industrial revolution, many companies have yet to fully leverage its potential. García will discuss the concept of smart factories, highlighting their role in enhancing productivity. He will emphasize the significance of Plant Simulation in this context, shedding light on its contribution to optimizing operational processes within smart factory frameworks.

Empowering sustainability: Decarbonization strategies in construction process management with the integration and benefits of Plant Simulation

Decarbonization strategies in construction management for sustainable manufacturing. With industrial CO2 emissions posing a challenge, urgent action is needed. Traditional production methods contribute to high carbon footprints, demanding a shift towards sustainability. Isabella Deininger’s research showcases the role of digital models in streamlining efforts. Integrating Building-, Production-, and Energy Models optimizes processes, reduces emissions, and minimizes energy consumption. This case study exemplifies the benefits of leveraging technology for sustainability. The article empowers stakeholders to embrace decarbonization for positive change. As industries aim to reduce their environmental footprint, Deininger’s research offers a roadmap for a sustainable future.

Picture of Franziska Schloz and Katharina Grimm of MHP - A Porsche Company.

Using Plant Simulation software to unlock efficiencies with virtual commissioning of driverless transport systems

Unlocking Efficiency Potentials with Virtual Commissioning of Driverless Transport Systems using Plant Simulation – Discovering Requirements, Benefits and Limitations. With the possibility of using MQTT and JSON, Plant Simulation offers the requirements for testing the master control “FleetExecuter” prior to the actual implementation on site. Lecture at the 2023 Plant Simulation User Conference, Munich, Infinity hotel

Plant Simulation User Meeting "What's new" presentation

Welcome to the 2023 Tecnomatix Plant Simulation User Conference!

Discrete event simulation is a powerful tool used in many industries, including manufacturing, logistics, and healthcare. It involves modeling a system as a series of discrete events, such as the arrival of a customer or the start of a production run, and simulating how the system behaves over time. This allows analysts to study the system’s performance under different scenarios, identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies, and test new strategies for improvement. Plant Simulation software from Siemens is one of the leading platforms for discrete event simulation, and the annual user conference is a key event for experts in the field to share knowledge and insights.

Siemens Xcelerator as a Service with Line Planning

The time is now for medium-sized manufacturers to take it to the next level and challenge complexity head-on. Complexity is…

Virtual commissioning made easy with Process Simulate VC Lite

Virtual commissioning helps deal with today’s manufacturing automation challenges. Today’s system and automation integrators are facing many challenges such as…

Shanghai SmartState Technology

Small and medium sized companies can commission and deliver manufacturing systems faster and cheaper

Shanghai SmartState Technology Co. Ltd (SSS), is a spin-off from Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU). It leverages IP, R&D, and engineering…