
Solid Edge CAD OEM: MCAD platform for software development from Siemens

Solid Edge OEM is a mechanical CAD software toolkit that allows 3rd party developers to create their own unique, industry specific software applications using Solid Edge as the mechanical CAD base. Developers can customize the Solid Edge interface to include their own set of engineering tools. They can also use their own images and logos to deliver a distinctive branded product to their marketplace based on this CAD OEM solution.

Unique advantages of Solid Edge OEM

Some of the advantages of using Solid Edge as the basis for your application include:

  • Create higher value-add solutions for your market without having to create a new CAD system
  • Access the proven features of Solid Edge Foundation for comprehensive mechanical CAD capabilities
  • Solid Edge, and your application, is based on the widely used Parasolid modeling kernel. This gives your application highly accurate data compatibility with the many other software applications that use Parasolid
  • The market-leading synchronous technology of Solid Edge delivers a key advantage to OEMs, enabling the seamless creation, editing and exchange of traditional history-based, history-free, and hybrid solid models
  • License any combination of the Solid Edge Part, Assembly and Drafting environments. OEMs only need to license the modules(s) you need
  • Use the Solid Edge API to add your own application capabilities. The API has full documentation and examples
  • Use your own logos and branding to deliver a distinctive, self-branded product to your marketplace

You can download a data sheet and register your interest in Solid Edge OEM here.

David Chadwick

David works in business development focusing on the Solid Edge portfolio and is based in Huntsville, AL, USA.

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