Unfortunately out-of-the-box unmanaged Solid Edge does not provide functionality to search for Solid Edge files based on text within the content of unmanaged draft files. Windows Search will only ind…
Thanks to Fred White and the GTAC folks for this info. Part of the beauty of these tips is that they are easy to add to. So use the comments to add your observations/ideas/questions to expand on the …
How do I make Solid Edge use all the processors/cores on my PC? Solid Edge is a single threaded application, and as such will only use a single CPU core. There are exceptions to this i…
Solid Edge screen capture functionality can add a lot to your explanations when you have questions, answers, are trying to create training materials, marketing materials, demonstrate an idea, or any …
Keyboard shortcuts in the Solid Edge interface are a great way for experienced users to speed up getting through common tasks. When you’re able to use shortcuts, you can drastically simplify your on-…
We’ve talked before about NURBS surfaces always wanting to be four-sided, much like a piece of fabric made from threads running perpendicular to one another. It can be stretched and pulled, but it al…
My method of explaining the rather wide reaching topic of surfacing is to start from concepts, move on to how to use specific tools, and what the tools do, and then to talk about why or in what situa…
If you are an engineer reproducing Industrial Designer stuff, one of the first things you have to do is understand curvature. It’s a different language, and a different way of thinking about geometry…
The previous article discussed creating custom line types using a simple combination of dash, dots and gaps represented by numbers.
This post takes it ahead by arranging multiple line…