Man in blue denim shirt sitting at desk working on a model in Solid Edge 3D CAD software and holding a notepad

Solid Edge holiday savings: How to find the best Solid Edge deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Looking for professional product development software at a cost that fits your budget? Learn how you can get the best of both worlds with a new Solid Edge® 3D CAD subscription this year on Cyber Monday and Black Friday.

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New in Solid Edge 2024: Model-Based Definition 

Create dimensioning in a snap with automated assistance and custom templates.  This year, we’re taking a deep dive into everything…

Solid Edge - 3D Adaptive Roughing

New in Solid Edge 2024: Faster and more accurate programming with Solid Edge CAM Pro 

Innovative updates for Solid Edge CAM Pro accelerate machining while bringing the power of Artificial Intelligence and the cloud to…

Solid Edge - final form

New in Solid Edge 2024: Solid Edge Design Configurator Connect

Bring real-time product configuration direct to customers  This year, we’re taking a deep dive into everything that’s new in the…

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New in Solid Edge 2024: Enhanced connection with Siemens Xcelerator Portfolio

Solid Edge 2024 has improved functionality and new features to help you access the power of the comprehensive Siemens Xcelerator…

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New in Solid Edge 2024: Solid Edge Design Configurator 

Bring real-time product configuration direct to customers This year, we’re taking a deep dive into everything that’s new in the…

Solid Edge - embedded collaboration

New in Solid Edge 2024: SaaS and Teamcenter Share  

This year, we’re taking a deep dive into everything that’s new in the Solid Edge 2024 release in a series…

Solid Edge - Replace Part

New in Solid Edge 2024: AI and productivity enhancements

This year, we’re taking a deep dive into everything that’s new in the Solid Edge 2024 release in a series…

New in Solid Edge 2024: Large Assembly Performance

Instantly visualize, pan, zoom and rotate your largest assemblies — up to 9x faster  This year, we’re taking a deep…