
Simcenter SPH Flow 2206 released! What’s new?

By Laura Trappolini

The level of complexity to resolve automotive and process industry applications increases with the level of desired fidelity. Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations now require to represent full vehicles and powertrain designs, interactions between the fluid and structures, multiple fluids while ensuring improved simulation performances.

With the new release of Simcenter SPH Flow 2206, designers and analysts across industries can leverage new capabilities and enhancements to run faster simulations and extend their applications to new simulation domains.

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New enhancements in Simcenter SPH Flow are aimed at helping you:

Dynamic ghost generation (in pink) for a side-mirror analysis

Go faster

Run faster simulations through efficient solid boundary condition treatment

Dynamic ghost generation (in pink) for a side-mirror analysis

Nowadays, many applications such as automotive water run-off, battery thermal analysis, powertrain lubrication by injection, etc. tend to involve large and detailed solid objects in simulations. The representation of the entire solid domains is required to resolve the application with high fidelity. This increases the complexity of simulation domains and therefore leads to a slower turnaround time.

In Simcenter SPH Flow 2206, you can now run faster simulations thanks to an enhanced solid boundary condition treatment.  For applications with large solid domains and a small quantity of fluid, the simulation time is drastically reduced up to a factor of 12. The new solid boundary condition treatment also allows for decreasing the memory consumption, enabling running heavy simulations on standard laptops which were previously impossible.

Washing ketchup from dishes

Model the complexity

Model the complexity of mixing applications with multiple liquids

Washing ketchup from dishes

Sophisticated applications such as mixing, dishwasher, painting, etc. involve several liquids with different properties that are usually complex to model into one single simulation.

In Simcenter SPH Flow 2206, several non-miscible liquids with different viscosity properties can now be resolved in the same simulation. This new feature opens the door to new highly dynamic free surface flow applications involving multiple non-miscible liquids.

Easily set up fluid-structure one-way coupling interactions

Fluid-structure interaction applications with large deformations usually involve a long and difficult workflow to resolve the complete interactions between the fluid and solids.

To overcome this challenge, engineers frequently prefer to begin their analysis with a rapid low-fidelity analysis to be able to efficiently test several designs and simulation conditions.

In Simcenter SPH Flow 2206, you can now easily prescribe large deformation from an FEA simulation to enable fast one-way coupling fluid-structure interactions simulations.

This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at