Simcenter Conference packed with worldclass Automotive Engineering

Register Now “E-mobility is the future solution!… no wait, hydrogen is… no wait, fuel cells it is” “No, no, no,…

SCR – a Nightmare on Eng. Street

Once upon a time there were four brothers. Their names were U, U, U and S. As the second two U’s were twins and just looked exactly the same everybody just called them double-U (“W”). When you had UW…

Solve the impossible – the hard ones are already solved

Solve the impossible. The hard ones are already solved

“This is impossible!”
said an inner voice to me, “ it harms Navier-Stokes, it harms continuity, it ha…

Run! – for your life

Internal Combustion Engines are doomed to die? Well, imagine yourself when suddenly you are being told that you had only one hour to live! What would you do? Good news – at least – you are …

Santa Claus Customs lifting the hood

Santa Claus Customs lifting the hood: revealing “FROSTY-ICE” – the first Ultra-Cold-Combustion Engine 
North Pole Motor Show, Arctic: “This is a true breakthrough for us!” says a broa…

The End of the Powertrain Bias

Internal Combustion Engine vs. Electric Machine, this seems a famous game these days. Media, politicians, OEMs, car owners – all of them have their arguments and for one or the other reasons, they ha…