ASEP tests made easy with Simcenter Testing Solutions

With traffic noise being a major health concern and with the environmental impact at heart, European legislators react by addressing the noise at the source with new measurement methods for road vehicles. Although the sound level limits have already been reduced a number of times, the pass by noise test procedure has been reinforced to reflect the real urban environment more and more accurately.

Car manufacturers are therefore under pressure to find adapted solutions for their newly produced vehicles, as these now have to meet stricter requirements to enable a more effective noise reduction. There is constant effort to bring balance between powertrain and tyre/road noise and to align these with a vehicle’s test results and its contribution to the urban noise.
One such change is called Additional Sound Emission Provisions – in short, ASEP. Effective since 1st July 2016, this is a type of test approval method in the UN/ECE regulation 51.3 regarding exterior noise emission (Annex 7). Covering a broad range of operating conditions related to urban driving conditions, including worst case acceleration, ASEP mainly affect passengers cars.

Anticipating the challenge and eager to bring the easiest solutions on the table, Siemens Digital Industries Software gathered input from customers all over the world, run their own investigation and found some of the answers that make such complex tests a bit easier. For instance, the Simcenter Pass-by Noise Smart Drivers’ Aid application helps users maximize the number of pass-by noise runs.