
Part 1: How to Exchange Data from IBM Rational DOORS Classic to Siemens Polarion

By Felicitas Kreutzer

The ReqIF-Function

As an international standard for data exchange between database-systems, the ReqIF exchange format (Requirements Interchange Format) can be used.

For example: You are using PolarionTM while your client (or customer) is using another database-system, which can handle exchange formats like ReqIF.

Use-Case: Simple and easy data import from DOORSTM to PolarionTM

In this use-case, a ReqIF-file will be exported from DOORSTM and imported to PolarionTM.


A DOORSTM project includes three modules; each module contains several attributes. Decide which data is necessary and should be/ or has to be transferred. See the following options:

  1. All project-modules including all module-attributes.
  2. All project-modules including selected module-attributes.
  3. Selected project-modules including all module-attributes.
  4. Selected project-modules and selected module-attributes.

The way how to import the data is very easy. Choose the project and Index (folder) where you want to import the ReqIF-file and select the necessary file.

Then, select all necessary modules which should be imported.

And finally, select all attributes which should be mapped/ merged on PolarionTM side.


Please make sure, that the following attributes are mapped correctly:

  • ChapterName > Title
  • ReqIF.Text > Description


Import only as much as necessary (e.g. only necessary attributes).


After the import process, you can work in PolarionTM (textual-based or table based) with your imported data.


Live Doc View
Table View

After finishing your work, you can create a baseline and export the data back as a e.g. “Roundtrip” via ReqIF to the “sender”. The receiver of these ReqIF-file can merge your modifications easily in his database to see all the changes which has been made since the file has been exported originally.

You need more information? Please visit our websites

You want to see the ReqIF-, Import- and Synchronizer – functionality in action? Please visit our Polarion4U Video recording


DOORSTM is a registered trademark of IBM.

WORDTM and ExcelTM are registered trademarks of Microsoft.

Dennis Pfeiffer

Siemens Industry Software GmbH

Pre-Sales Consultant (ALM)


Peter Habrich

Siemens Industry Software GmbH

Portfolio Development Manager (ALM)


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