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Consumer Products Podcast – Efficiency and Sustainability Benefits of Digitalization (Ep. 2)

In the first episode of the Digital Powers Flexible podcast, our experts examined the struggle to adapt the consumer product…

Podcast series: Additive manufacturing – an industrial revolution (Part 1), the current landscape

There is a tremendous amount of untapped opportunity in the industrial manufacturing market, and expectations are high for additive manufacturing…

The Apollo 15 Command Module in the National Museum of the US Air Force

Where Today Meets Tomorrow Podcast – Digitalization past, present, & future with Ken Amann

“One of the drivers of complexity is the desire by the customer for personalization.” Ken Amann, Executive Consultant, CIMdata Inc….

Consumer Products Podcast – Planning for Flexibility in a Consumer-Driven Market (Ep. 1)

Siemens Digital Industries Software is starting a new podcast series focused on consumer products and the digital transformation. This first…

Now available – SAE podcast with Dale Tutt: “Space, the next frontier”

Supersonic and hypersonic air travel… Space tourism… Living on the moon… A space hotel?  Dale Tutt, Vice President of Aerospace…

Electric propulsion systems, longer range and lower maintenance costs in Aerospace

Disruption is happening all around the world and many of the legacy players in the aerospace and defense industry need…

Podcast: Modeling, Economists and predicting the “New Normal”

Modeling plays a key role in the development of the future car and in this new pandemic world in which…

NASA’s L’SPACE Education for the Next Generation

Do you remember the first time you looked up at the night sky after learning that those tiny twinkling lights…

Transitioning to the digital enterprise? Don’t forget some nice threads.

In my last blog I talked about major disruptions in the industry and how digitalization is the key to not…