
Powering Gigafactories: Siemens & Accenture’s role in cell manufacturing – Ep. 12

The story of battery manufacturing is one of scale. Researchers, manufacturers, and OEMs are working to make batteries lighter, make them in higher numbers, and make them across a wider region. Even the name of these factories alludes to the scale of operation and not just the production capacity of gigawatts. But the process of gaining scale from a laboratory breakthrough to a manufacturing juggernaut is the most important story of scale in the industry.

For this episode of the battery podcast, Marc Deyda of Siemens Digital Industries talks with Philipp Wunderlich of Accenture about how companies are staying competitive as they develop more sustainable battery production processes and methodologies.

What you’ll learn:

  • [2:25] The challenges of setting up gigafactories
  • [5:20] The role of strong partnerships
  • [8:52] Enabling sustainable battery manufacturing

Philipp Wunderlich - Guest

Philipp Wunderlich – Guest

Battery Technology Consulting Lead at Accenture and Director at Industry X

Marc Deyda - Host

Marc Deyda – Host

Head of Strategy & Communication for Battery at Siemens

The Battery Podcast Podcast

The Battery Podcast

The Battery Podcast from Siemens Digital Industries will discuss the challenges and advancements of the battery industry, from mining to recycling, with its continued growth to support transport electrification and energy storage. You will hear from Siemens experts, leading companies, our customers and partners, talking about key challenges of the industry and how to overcome them.  Listen in to learn more about how battery industry is looking to transform with digitalization to enable the development and large-scale manufacturing of safe and sustainable battery technologies of today and tomorrow.

Listen on:

Nicholas Finberg

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at https://blogs.sw.siemens.com/podcasts/the-battery-podcast/powering-gigafactories-siemens-accentures-role-in-cell-manufacturing-ep-12/