A Day in the Digital Machine Shop

A Day in the Digital Machine Shop

As a manufacturing engineer, we understand your days are complex and ever-changing. At Siemens, our new approach to digitalized manufacturing…

How the Digital Machine Shop Works

Overview of the Digital Machine Shop

The machine shop of tomorrow is here, today. The digital machine shop helps companies stay competitive, design the right products…

Siemens software iMFLUX moldmaking

iMFLUX uses NX to Make World-Class Molds

Siemens software helps iMFLUX achieve first time yield in the 90-percentile range. iMFLUX, a wholly-owned subsidiary of P&G and innovative…

NX CAM Production Module Integration Engineering Analysis

Simplify Machining Complexity using Integrated Toolpath Analysis

This article was written by Nishant Saini at Third Wave Systems. CNC machining is a highly competitive field. Companies compete…

Title image for Modern Machine Shop Article on NX CAM

Four New High-Performance Milling Techniques for 3D Machining

Most shops doing intricate 3D machining have to deal with long cycle times and laborious post-machining finishing processes. Modern Machine…

On-demand Webinar: Accelerate Production with Multiple Setup Machining

Are you looking to boost your efficiency with advanced CAM software and stay competitive through automation? Register and view the…

NX for Manufacturing overview video

What’s New in NX for Manufacturing (June 2020) [VIDEO]

We are excited to announce the latest version of NX for Manufacturing, our comprehensive software suite that automates and connects…

YouniQ: Reducing lead times for small machined parts

Connected Technology Solutions, a UK-based hi-tech industry magazine, recently published a case study about how Siemens customer, YouniQ Machining, has reduced time to market from the typical eight to 12 weeks of competitors to two days with the integrated CAD / CAM capabilities in NX software.

NX CAM Cloud Connected software

Our NX Cloud Connected subscription-based products enable you to use our advanced NX CAM software at a lower cost.  The…