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Soft Body Modeling Discussion and Demonstration

Much of consumer product design includes not only hard parts but incorporates soft materials as well. Having both in the…

Creating better product form and function through visualization

The value of VR is the ability to experience a product, or a vehicle, or a design at a human…

Reducing the cost of airfreight with innovative drone designs

California based startup Natilus wanted to develop remotely controlled cargo plans, maximize cargo volume, and rapidly increase the size of…

nx render

NX Render Blog Series | The Visualization Process for The Marine Industry – Part One

Introduction Do you know how crucial an effective visualization workflow is for the continuation of success within companies? Well we…

Digital Engineering Magazine featuring NX software

The September issue of Digital Engineering features NX in reverse engineering and Electronics design.

NX Algorithmic Modeling: Logic Editor

Watch here for new updates to Algorithmic Modeling in this detailed demonstration!

4 Reasons Why NX Is Your Perfect Partner In Education

4 Reasons Why NX Is Your Perfect Partner In Education

Trends like the digital twin, 3D printing and sustainability have been shaping and fundamentally changing the engineering industry. As new…

Man at desk wearing VR headset

NX VR for Heavy Equipment | Individual design review for the JCB Fastrac 8250

The importance of Virtual Reality in an individual design review Welcome back to the latest instalment of the NX VR…

Ensure CAD Quality with NX Validation tools: What’s new

NX Validation tools have always made sure that part quality and initiatives remain perfect and without error. With the introduction…