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Live from Paris

Live from Paris

Well not quite yet, but soon enough.  Just like Dora and Jerry, I’m headed over to our European user conference today.  I get in to CDG at a bright and early 6:20 AM local time, hop a train…

Must-See User Group Presentations

Must-See User Group Presentations

So I’m curious if you were attending the Siemens PLM Connection user group event next week in Paris, which presentations would you most want to see? (This is also a selfish way of testing out our new…

Roving CAD/PLM Reporter

Roving CAD/PLM Reporter

Hey folks, this is Dora Smith reporting to you live from….well…ok, today I’m at my desk in St. Louis, MO, USA. But next week I’ll be reporting live from our Siemens PLM Connections user group eve…

Providing Input

Providing Input

In my last blog I talked about the different inputs that go into defining the content of Solid Edge. One of the more important inputs comes from those people using it every day. Do something right a…

Getting Input

Getting Input

When one of my friends asks me what I do at Siemens and I know they have seen the movie Office Space, I’ll say, “I take the specifications from the customer and bring them to the software engineers”…

Planning for the Future

Planning for the Future

I’ve been a bit slow blogging lately. While you might think that the time right after the release of Solid Edge ST would be quiet and stress free, it’s actually crunch time for product planners. …

Who says green doesn’t sell?

Who says green doesn’t sell?

At this point, I think almost no one, but its clear that Apple certainly does not. Of all the new speeds and feeds that Steve Jobs went through today (Genius looks really interesting, albeit perhaps…

Releasing Solid Edge ST

Releasing Solid Edge ST

Hopefully you have heard the news that Solid Edge ST has been released. If not, you can read about it here. If you talk to me or some of my friends on the inside, you will probably hear this …

Synchronous Technology Hits Northern Europe

Synchronous Technology Hits Northern Europe

I am traveling in Denmark and Sweden this week, speaking with existing users and prospects about Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology. Everyone is back from holiday and eager to start a new chapter…