How to secure connected cars with embedded firewalls

How to secure connected cars with embedded firewalls

Connected cars are the future. And what an amazing future these vehicles will bring. But in order for the connected…

Automobile dashboard showing design challenges of Automotive Ethernet communication

Automakers sprint to deliver more onboard software

The automotive conversation has come to be dominated by developing industry challenges and the increasingly rapid pace of change. Recent…

Design cycle times affected by consumer choices

How to catch up with shrinking automotive cycle times

The average consumer is surrounded by gadgets. It’s rare to find someone who doesn’t have a smart phone in their…

Improving electrical system and wiring design

Electrical systems are more complicated than ever. Today, the electrical and electronic complexity of even the “simplest” machines has ballooned,…

Black and gray luxury car chases airplane down stripped runway into the yellow and orange sunset. This relates to E/E Systems Development and Electrical Systems with Capital by encapsulating both the Aerospace and Automotive industry into one image as well as how we are continually moving forward with solutions for our customers.

How to remove barriers in E/E systems development

Widespread electrification and growing product intelligence are causing a significant increase in the importance and complexity of the electrical and…

Mitigating electrical system compliance risk in today’s aircraft

For those developing and mitigating electrical system compliance in today’s aircraft, there are two major trends shaping our industry. First,…

Electrical systems development: Rising complexity on aircraft platforms

We are seeing plenty of promising new trends and innovations in the A&D industry these days. While extremely exciting, the…

Re-imagining electrical systems design

Capitalizing on current industry trends requires change. The electrical systems of modern automobiles, aircraft and industrial machines contain multiple networks,…

Vehicle maintenance will require advanced tools and training

Automotive industry trends towards electrification and autonomy will have wide-ranging effects in the engineering, manufacturing, and servicing of vehicles. Internal…