Globalization and cloud computing

From the dawn of civilization, humans have consistently demonstrated curiosity and an innate desire to connect and go beyond their…

5 Questions About 5G Technology

5G is new and, beyond what you may have seen on mobile phone commercials, it’s not as prevalent as perceived….

Exclusive: The 2022 Digital Twin Report

Can investing in digital technologies really increase productivity, efficiency, accountability and product quality? Digital twin and digital thread solutions can…

For small-to-medium-sized businesses, Siemens Xcelerator means thriving, not just surviving

Small-to-medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can face several obstacles and challenges, which includes contending with increasing global competition and a large enterprise’s…

Xcelerator as a Service: one giant leap into the digital future

In July 1969, the world was glued to their television sets. A 38-year-old Ohioan was going to be the first…

Introduction: The vision to revolutionize the surfing industry – a five-part series

What is it about surfing? For many, it’s freedom. It’s a sense of adventure and the feel of riding the…

The digital twin’s changing role

Over the past few years, the manufacturing industry has spent a lot of time discussing the value of the digital…

Xcelerator: Adaptable solutions to help inspire innovation

What inspires us to innovate? For most, it’s not the company mission but rather the desire to improve the world…