R2-D2 and Ultra Low Power Design & Verification

R2-D2 and Ultra Low Power Design & Verification

[SPOILER ALERT] I suspect virtually all Verification Horizons blog readers have seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens by now, but…

Are You Struggling to Reach Timing Closure with Your Low Power Design – You May Have CDC Problems!

Are You Struggling to Reach Timing Closure with Your Low Power Design – You May Have CDC Problems!

First, if you were brought here by a desperate Google search for “timing closure tricks STA RTL” as your tape…

Formal Tech Tip: How Good Properties Can be Over-constrained and How to Fix It

Formal Tech Tip: How Good Properties Can be Over-constrained and How to Fix It

Given the dramatic increase in the scalability of formal engines over the past 5 years, “formal testbenches” have grown to…

Back to School: How to Educate Yourself and Your Colleagues About Formal and CDC Verification

Back to School: How to Educate Yourself and Your Colleagues About Formal and CDC Verification

Now that summer is over and the kids are settled into their classrooms, it’s a great time for grown-ups to…

How Formal Techniques Can Keep Hackers from Driving You into a Ditch, Part 2 of 2

How Formal Techniques Can Keep Hackers from Driving You into a Ditch, Part 2 of 2

In Part 1 of this series, inspired by security researchers that were able take over a new Jeep and drive…

How Formal Techniques Can Keep Hackers from Driving You into a Ditch, Part 1 of 2

How Formal Techniques Can Keep Hackers from Driving You into a Ditch, Part 1 of 2

[Preface: everywhere it refers to automobiles in this post, you can also swap in “X-Ray machine”, “pacemaker”, and “aircraft”] The…

NEW Formal & CDC Courses on Verification Academy

NEW Formal & CDC Courses on Verification Academy

Do you have a really tough verification problem – one that takes seemingly forever for a testbench simulation to solve…

ASYNC 2015: The Most Important CDC Conference You’ve Never Heard Of

ASYNC 2015: The Most Important CDC Conference You’ve Never Heard Of

Because Clock Domain Crossing (CDC) verification has been around for well over a decade, it’s tempting to think that CDC…

Do Formal Apps Help D&V Engineers Cross the Chasm Into Direct Formal Property Checking? This Oracle Case Study Suggests They Do (Part 2 of 2)

Do Formal Apps Help D&V Engineers Cross the Chasm Into Direct Formal Property Checking? This Oracle Case Study Suggests They Do (Part 2 of 2)

Do automated formal apps really help D&V engineers “cross the chasm” and start using formal verification directly? In Part 1…