Thought Leadership

See You at DVCon 2013!

Learn about new standards, industry surveys and trends

This year’s DVCon is set and if you have not yet registered, you can do it now – or just show up!  If you want to secure seating at some of the Monday tutorial events, I strongly encourage pre-registration to ensure you can secure a seat.  And if you just want to see the exhibits and chat with suppliers, that’s free.

The IEEE low power format is set to close on its current round standardization shortly and DVCon is a great place to learn all about it from the experts.  Harry Foster will update the DVCon attendees on design and verification trends over lunch on Tuesday and later that afternoon, Mentor CEO, Wally Rhines will offer this year’s DVCon keynote.  His keynotes are always insightful and entertaining.  And if you want to catch me, you can find me with the Mentor staff at the Mentor exhibit booth.  Or just follow @dennisbrophy on Twitter and I will share info on paper presentations and other happenings.  For more details on the events mentioned above, see below.  For more information DVCon in general, visit the website at

Monday | February 25th | 1:30pm – 4:30 | Fir Ballroom
Low Power Design, Verification, and Implementation with IEEE 1801™ UPF™

The past few years, the IEEE P1801™ (Unified Low Power – UPF) Working Group has been busy working on an update to the industry’s standard for low power design, verification and implementation.  Accellera has brought together experts from many EDA tool suppliers and users for this tutorial.  Attendees can expect to gain a detailed understanding of of the IEEE standard (concepts, terminology & features) as well as an understanding of the practical aspects to apply UPF in real world flows.

The following experts will be help you learn about the new standard – and will be available to interact with at the conclusion of the tutorial.

  • John Biggs – ARM, Inc.
  • Sushma Honnavara-Prasad – Broadcom Corp.
  • Dr. Qi Wang – Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
  • Erich Marschner – Mentor Graphics Corp.
  • Jeffrey Lee – Synopsys, Inc.

Learn more, then register.

Tuesday | February 26th | 11:30am – 12:45pm | Pine/Cedar Ballroom
The Changing Landscape in Functional Verification: Industry Trends, Challenges, and Solutions
Presented by Harry Foster

Mentor Graphics invites you to join us for lunch—where we will present, for the first time publicly, highlights from this year’s Wilson Research Group Functional Verification Study. Be the first on your block to learn the latest verification trends, challenges, and solutions.
Learn more, then register.

Tuesday | February 26th | 3:30pm – 4:30pm | Oak/Fir Ballroom
Speaker: Wally Rhines, Chairman and CEO of Mentor Graphics

As a thought provoking, timely, and informative presentation, this keynote session will focus on functional verification trends and the accelerated adoption of advanced functional verification technologies, methodologies and languages.
Learn more, then register.

Booth #901
Tuesday & Wednesday (February 26th & 27th)
3:30pm – 6:30pm

I look forward to meet up with those who attend DVCon.  You can catch me at or around the Mentor booth for the last three hours of the conference.

Dennis Brophy
Director of Ecosystems

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at