Verification Academy Now Includes OVMWorld Content
I am pleased to announce that Mentor Graphics has recently expanded Verification Academy to provide a “one-stop shop” for all your UVM/OVM and general verification information needs. As you may have noticed, the website has now been redirected to the Verification Academy and all of the content has been preserved, albeit reorganized a bit.
Of particular importance, the OVMWorld Forum discussion group has been preserved, in its entirety, on the new Verification Academy Forum, which also includes threads for UVM as well as OVM discussions, as well as general SystemVerilog discussions and discussions about other Academy content. All users of the OVMWorld forum will be able to access the Academy forum using their OVMWorld login information. Of course, current Academy users may also access the forum with their current Academy login.
By combining the expanded discussion forum with the UVM/OVM Online Methodology Cookbook and on-line video tutorials, the Verification Academy is now the premier resource for verification engineers wishing to get the most out of UVM and OVM. The Cookbook will continue to provide the latest methodology and how-to information, let you comment and make suggestions, and also let you generate PDF books directly from the website. You can print out one of our predefined books or customize to make one of your own. Of course, you can also download code examples to go along with the articles.
All OVM and UVM download kits, including UVM1.1, OVM2.1.2 and the new standalone UVM Register kit for use with OVM, are available on the Academy with no login required. In addition, unregistered users may also preview the Cookbook and read the discussion threads in the forum. To participate in the forum, you’ll need to register (forum users are allowed to use free email addresses), and to access the premium content, you’ll need to use your “work” email address to register.
So, go take a look at the new Verification Academy. I think you’ll like what you see.