smart manufacturing and sustainability

Sustainability and smart manufacturing – global impact on environment

We have the privilege of speaking again with Rahul Garg, VP of the Industrial Machinery Mid-Market Program at Siemen Digital Industries…

Why circularity is the future of digital logistics

The circular economy will revolutionize the trajectory of logistics. Industrial economies are catching on quickly after seeing supply chain bottlenecks,…

Perspectives on sustainable transportation

Recently, Siemens thought leaders have had the opportunity to share their thoughts on sustainable power systems and how they can…

Freight truck leaving a shipping port via a bridge

Green is the future of logistics

Logistics strategies that prevent unnecessary trips and enable collaboration in global production and shipping processes will play a major role…

model based systems engineering

The application of Model-Based Systems Engineering – the modern solution for industrial complexity and sustainability – ep. 10 Transcript

In this tenth episode of the Model-Based Matters podcast series our experts discuss the modern solution for industrial complexity and…

Cities present the optimal environment for urban air mobility

Digitalizing urban air mobility for green city transportation

Urban air mobility (UAM) is an exciting concept for short-range transportation that has been gaining a lot of traction in…

A digitally generated aircraft engine

Applying generative design to aerospace

Generative design is a burgeoning concept in the field of engineering that carries exciting potential. The idea of having an…

Airplanes loading at an airport

Balancing sustainability demands in the aviation industry – Summary

The need to improve sustainability in the aviation industry is growing as the global temperature continues to rise and climate…

People icons connected by digital lines

Balancing sustainability demands in the aviation industry – Webinar

On September 13, 2022, the Aviation Week Network will be hosting a webinar in which Todd Tuthill, Vice President for…