Siemens is on the pulse of groundbreaking innovations. In step with that objective, the Thought Leadership Team at Siemens Digital Industry Software provides podcasts, blogs, articles and white papers based on the knowledge of engineers and experts in their field. We discuss what Siemens is doing in many industries while forecasting the landscape of innovative technologies.

Our team focuses on emerging technologies in the next two to five years that Siemens is investing in and for which we are developing solutions.

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A man with a tablet looking at the horizon from the deck of a ship.

Marine STS – The Need for Integrated Simulation in Ship Design – Transcript

In the third episode of the Marine Industry Podcast Series segment on STS in the marine industry, Jan and Dejan…

The digital transformation’s impact on industrial machinery - modeling and simulation

The digital impact on industrial machinery – modeling and simulation

In a recent IndustryWeek Executive Summary, Rahul Garg, VP of Industrial Machinery and SMB Business Program at Siemens Digital Industries Software, and Giulio…

Highway harmony: Future-ready roads for better transportation  

Due to rapid population increases around the world, commutes that would normally take 20 minutes have turned into a patience-testing…

Two aircraft mechanics with tablets talking with each other aside an airplane in a hangar.

Talking Aerospace Today – Automating the Mundane Part Two – Summary

The Talking Aerospace Today podcast has released its second episode on automation within the journey of digital transformation maturity, beginning…

The future of generative AI in design and manufacturing

Generative AI offers many exciting possibilities for immediate transformation. From, conversational chat bots to predictive assistants, there are countless small…

sustainability provides a holistic viewpoint for industrial machinery

Sustainability provides a holistic viewpoint for industrial machinery

In revisiting our sustainability podcast series, the first two episodes focused on how companies explore sustainability and the obstacles standing…

Sustainable products start at conceptual design

Digitalization and sustainability are topics we talk about in tandem, for businesses to succeed in tomorrow’s markets. They are two…

From highway to skyway: Are flying cars coming soon? 

Flying cars have long been a hallmark of the future, capturing our imaginations for decades. However, these visions of airborne…

An aerospace engineering working on a laptop next to an aircraft engine.

Talking Aerospace Today – Automating the Mundane Part Two Transcript

In the latest episode of Talking Aerospace Today, Todd Tuthill and Patty Russo continue their exploration of automating the mundane,…