How can students gain tech skills for Industry 4.0?

Digital forces are transforming the way we do business in every phase of innovation. It’s called Industry 4.0 – an industrial revolution using automation technology and intelligent connectivity to qu…

Strategic technology enables closed-loop approach to quality

Recent reports from two prominent research firms have identified a new appreciation for quality in manufacturing. The new view heralds an approach dubbed closed-loop quality, which itself is overseen…

We’re thinking about autonomous vehicles all wrong

When we think of future autonomous vehicles, typically an image of some kind of self-driving futuristic pod comes to mind, with a living room/bedroom/home cinema/meeting space – basically a reconfigu…

Electric car engineering needs future-thinking engineers

Electric car engineering will change the entire auto industry, and current and future engineers can prepare for the move toward electrification by becoming the master of many traits.


Visionary manufacturers are rethinking enterprise architecture

By: Alex Allison and Josh Ray 

Digitalization has caused a groundswell of ongoing change. Emerging technologies push one another forward, helping businesses create new business models…

An introduction to industrial-scale additive manufacturing

Our first Thought Leadership podcast series is coming to a close, and we want to thank everyone who has taken the time to listen to our series and to share your feedback with us. We appreciate it!

Planning for the future of blockchain in manufacturing

What will the future look like? That’s the million-dollar, and in some cases, trillion-dollar question.

In manufacturing, Industry 4.0 envisages a new age where smart technology and smart …

How can you reduce failure and minimize product cost?

Inaccuracies in product cost estimations and the lack of technology to correct it hurts companies that continue to develop and produce new products. Product costs that cannot be recuperated, and an i…

How can the additive process manage data and product creation?

What’s one major benefit of additive manufacturing? The additive process can help companies reduce the number of parts needed to build products, which makes products easier to maintain over time.