Application & Product Lifecycle Management: An Integration Path

If you’ve noticed a higher number of recalls making the news, you aren’t alone: manufacturers are also noticing it. Many recalls are due to software issues which are the result of the increased produ…

Grammer realized product cost reduction with Teamcenter

Automotive Product Cost Reduction | Siemens

Learn how Grammer achieves product cost reduction through accurate calculation of costs by using Siemens technology!

Achieving the desired profit margin on each product to be sold is dete…

Deploy Change Management to Get More from PLM

Over the last several months we’ve been exploring various aspects of PLM process management and execution. We’ve talked about various aspects of product development process management and p…

Product Stewardship and the Greening of the Brand

Innovative, sustainable products, with little to no negative impact on the environment are proving to be market winners and elevating some companies to industry leaders. Consumers are drawn to g…

An Integrated Product Definition for a Consistent Bill of Materials

Innovation comes in many forms. It’s the discovery of a new ski jumping technique that forever changes the sport. It’s companies trying to meet their own challenges and their customers’ challenges.

How a Service Knowledge Management System Fills in the Blanks (Part 4 of 4)

IoT must be back-ended with service knowledge management to enable intelligent service with product knowledge and service history.
Although connected products seem like they’re new, they’ve been …

New Teamcenter Product Cost Management Capabilities

B2C and B2B markets have evolved. Manufacturer competitive position is even more determined by the ability to innovate their product portfolio and the time required to introduce new products to the m…

How a service knowledge management system fills in the blanks (Part 3)

IoT and Big Data require service knowledge management to complete the understanding of product to succeed at service.
Connected products seem new, but they’ve been around for a while. Vending mac…

Reality Redefined With Materials Driven Product Design

We have reached a materials age – breakthrough products using new materials continue to amaze and delight, and redefine the way we live.
Think of all of the new products intended to make our …