
Why Don’t You Use Synchronous?

By MLombard

Usually I write articles trying to answer a question, or trying to advocate for a certain point of view. But this time is different. The main thrust of this entree is to ask you, meaning Solid Edge users, a question. I’m a curious fellow, generally with more questions than answers, so asking questions is actually easier than trying to answer them.

Sometimes I hear about people who have been using Solid Edge for a while, since way before Synchronous Technology. Some of these people have clung to history-based methods as their primary tool, and have not adopted Synchronous techniques. I admit that I myself was not crazy about the first two versions of SE wST, before they allowed you to combine techniques into a single part model. But even as a guy who had definitely bought into the history-based way of doing things, I was able to see the benefits of mixing methods – not replacing one method with another, but using the two methods in combination to really get the most power possible.

Here’s my question. For those of you who have been Solid Edge customers through the change from straight history to mixed mode Synchronous Technology, why have you not changed? I don’t know how many or what percentage folks I’m talking to here, but I’m just curious if you think the new stuff is just too hard to learn, if you think there is some threat to your old data, if you just haven’t taken the time to learn the new methods, or what.

I didn’t live through the switch. I was watching from outside as Solid Edge implemented the changes. It’s my personal opinion that Solid Edge handled the transitions very well. Your pre-ST data is compatible with ST1 & ST2 as well as the post-mixed-mode data from ST3+. Straight through there were no compatibility issues that I’m aware of.

We all know Bob Mileti’s inspiring conversion story, of going from a big foe of ST to a big supporter of ST. For those of you who have not yet moved forward, I’m interested in knowing “why?”

Take as much space in the comments to respond as you like. I’m just interested in why, I don’t really have any great personal need to change your mind, and I certainly don’t want to make this into a religious argument, I’m just curious about why.


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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at