Solid Edge Crossword #002

This is just for fun but not simply icon guessing, If you have a clue icon for Physical properties, the word could be Physical, Properties, Mass, Volume, Area, Density, Material, etc.

SEU14 video: 3D Sketching

This was the first session I attended at Solid Edge University this year. Rahul Kulkarni presents the functionality of 3D Sketch as added to ST7. This is an important tool, since you can use it in ma…

SEU14 video: Keynote Addresses

Karsten Newbury gave the kickoff speech, and gave a business update with some numbers folks aren’t used to seeing from Solid Edge. Maybe you weren’t there this year, and want to see what you missed, …

Spy for Solid Edge Introduction

One of the biggest challenges of automating Solid Edge (for me at least) is the sheer size of the API. SDK documentation and examples are nice but these are static views of the API. What wou…

Have you been to this Area lately ?

Calculating area of a 3D surface or that enclosed by a set of 2D entities is not an activity that one performs too often when designing with Solid Edge. However what is intriguing about the Area comm…

SEU14 video: Dan Staples Introduces ST7

SEU14 video: Dan Staples Introduces ST7

Dan Staples gave the keynote presentation at Solid Edge University 2014 where he introduced many of the new features in ST7. I know this is the part of SEU that everyone wants to be at, especially th…

SEU14 video: Live Rules and Solution Manager

I’ve previously written about LR and SM, and also going a little deeper with the Solution Manager. Before writing these blog articles, I spent some time talking to Chris. In order to get all the valu…

SEU14 video: Switching Your Workforce to Synchronous

I blogged about this particular presentation a while ago, but now the video is ready. The audio is not perfect, but I think the presenter’s message is one all CAD admins need to hear. The PDF alone r…

SEU14 video: ST7 Assembly Design with Art Patrick

This year at Solid Edge Universtity, they made me earn my paycheck. Of the available sessions, I was giving presentations or helping out for 5 time slots. This meant that I missed several presentatio…