Siemens Workshop for Future Engineers at UTD

Last Tuesday, Mainstream Engineering sponsored an event at the University of Texas Dallas. Both Ali Nadimi and Muhammad Sajjad, who are currently in the engineering graduate program at UTD, helped se…

Have you met the Solid Edge Portal?

Solid Edge 2019 introduced a secure, web-based platform for storing and viewing the contents of your 3D CAD files and drawings, and for sharing your project files with others. Your collaborators…

Next Generation Design in Solid Edge: What’s That?

Good day. I visited our Canadian Solid Edge family in Toronto and Montréal for Solid Edge University recently, and one of the topics I presented on was Next Generation Design. I thought I’d reca…

Tips and Tricks from Forum Users #21

Here’s a collection of the most interesting tips and tricks derived from the discussions on the Solid Edge forum.
Due credit is given to respective contributors.

And a qu…

CAD, CAM and Beyond – Seminar #1 from IMTS

IMTS was a huge success.  AMT (the organization that runs IMTS) says there were almost 130,000 attendees and over 2100 booths and both those numbers were new records.  You can read the full…

Solid Edge University Chicago Day 1 Recap


Solid Edge University Chicago is underway, and the day is off to a solid start here in the Windy City. We’re at DMDII—short for the Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institu…

Migrating from the SolidWorks API – Part 1, Application and Document Handling

The makers of Solid Edge have left no stone unturned to make your transition from SolidWorks to Solid Edge effortless and streamlined. Not only that Synchronous Technology readily recognize…

A New Perspective on Recognizing Holes and Hole Patterns in Solid Edge

Serendipity is the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. This happens with CAD features too. Dan Staples famously said that synchronous editing of part…

Benefits of a Solid Edge CAM Pro Bundle

bun-dle; noun –  a collection of things, or a quantity of material, tied or wrapped up together.  Software is often sold in bundles, and we are no exception to the rule.  Over time, in…