
The Benefits of Simulation-Driven Design

By Dung_H

Welcome back to the second part of our five-part blog series! If you haven’t read the first post, please click here. 

Today, we’ll touch on the benefits of simulation-driven design. To begin, a common goal of many engineers is to quickly launch their products into the market. However the truth is most engineers have missed a tight deadline or had to go back and fix an issue in the product while it was in its final phase. It’s time consuming, expensive, and frustrating.

I have some good news for you – simulation-driven design reduces your chance of making a mistake that will cost you not only money but also your evenings and weekends. Aberdeen Group conducted a study to determine if the best-in-class designers found any benefits from simulation-driven design, and here are the results: 

    • Decreased physical prototype by 27%
    • Improved length of development time by 29% 
    • Improved engineering change orders (ECOs) after release to manufacturing by 21% 
    • Product cost targets were met by 71% of the Best-in-Class designers

Read Aberdeen Group’s full research here.

If you’re someone who enjoys learning about everything in one sitting, then be sure to watch this webinar to learn beyond the benefits of simulation-driven design.

This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at