Doosan – Improving the energy efficiency of excavators

Improving machine energy efficiency
I promised in my previous post that there would be customers interview coming soon… Well here’s the first one of many! Right before kick-off of the Simcenter Conference, we made a trip to DOOSAN, about an hour drive from downtown Seoul. First order of the day upon our arrival, after meeting our local Siemens colleagues, was getting fully informed about the DOOSAN official security rules before entering the premises. Once we were aware of where to walk or not, and when to wear a security hat (something that we did not have the chance to do) our host Kang Byeong IL, a senior research engineer at DOOSAN, welcomed us.
Even if I don’t speak Korean – except anyoung haseyo – what I retain from this meeting is that improvement of energy efficiency is a major challenge that the mobile machinery manufacturers, such as DOOSAN, face nowadays. Kang Byeong IL explained how he proceeds to boost market competitiveness of the excavators produced by DOOSAN. And this is a complex task! Indeed, improving the energy efficient (by still getting a powerful machine) means providing best in class hydraulic systems while ensuring vehicle dynamics, all of it in a controlled environment
Using system simulation to tackle industry challenges
This is the engineering challenge that Kang Byeong IL has been tackling for over 10-years. He decided to solve it using Simcenter Amesim by developing new technologies for excavators. Indeed, the Simcenter system simulation solution helps him over the years to understand the behavior of the excavator he develops with his team and balance all these attributes in an optimal way.
We cannot say it better than he did. “Simcenter Amesim is an indispensable software for the development of our hydraulic systems. Especially at early design phase when you have various design concepts that are derived to achieve the target performance”. The other interesting thing worth retaining from his testimony is that the digital twin they create with Simcenter Amesim helps them to verify overall controls logic and its impact on system performance. Nevertheless, the best is that you watch it by yourself!

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