The Current State of Transport and Mobility with Onika Miller, FIA – Part 2

FIA’s Innovation Fund invests in multimodal transport, autonomous drones, solutions for traffic management and much more. You are not stuck…

Raising Climate Change Awareness through Motor Racing with Catie Munnings, Andretti United Extreme E Racing Driver Part 2

Extreme E electric vehicle racing, driving automotive tech sustainability. Racing is largely seen as an adrenaline-driven sport for only the…

Raising Climate Change Awareness through Motor Racing with Catie Munnings, Andretti United Extreme E Racing Driver

Building our transportation future with an emphasis on sustainability and gender diversity. A few years back it could have been…

Automotive E/E Development Changes – The Future Car on E/E Systems Part 3

What do you look for when buying a new vehicle? For many consumers today, the most important and exciting features…

Educating the Automotive Industry Workforce of the Future with Elaina Farnsworth

Reskilling & upskilling for the world of new mobility, intelligent transportation and self-driving cars. As we enter the future of…

From Back Office to the Driver’s Seat: The transformation of the Automotive CIO with Mamatha Chamarthi

Chief Digital Officer replaces the CIO to lead Automotive Digital Transformation As the technology universe remains in a constant state…

Cyber security startup Cybellum defends against automotive cyber security attacks

Playing cyber defense with the cyber digital twin The rise of technology has completely changed the way we think about…

How Virtual Reality is Making Mobility Accessible for Everyone

VR design for the Mobility Challenged The promise of technology is to make life easier for everyone. In order to…

Digitalization helps companies adapt to COVID-19 restrictions, such as with AR and VR for vehicle design.

Transportation revolution: An update on vehicle electrification

It is clear that, despite the numerous challenges facing automotive OEMs today, the goals of next-generation electric, autonomous and connected…